Mit Connectivity ins Internet der Dinge
Networking turns telephones into smartphones, power lines into a smart grid and our cities into smart cities. Integration turns individual applications, systems and devices into smart overall solutions.
As a solution partner in your IoT project, QUIBIQ helps you collect, store and process data generated by your terminal and industrial devices in real time. And that from the edge of your IT network all the way to the developer tools, back-end systems and services at your headquarters and back again.
With a QUIBIQ integration solution prepared for and harmonised with the Internet of things, you receive a company-wide, seamless and therefore smart real-time information cycle between
Our customers are thereby given the opportunity to hoist their business intelligence and the automation of processes in the IoT to an entirely new level.
With the right integration, you can merge your devices together in the IoT to form a smart overall solution. This way, you can process data in the required volume and speed in a secure, effective and targeted way.
With a QUIBIQ integration solution based on Azure, you thereby create the conditions for your success in the IoT.
If your company knew what your devices know ...
Michael Bäuerle
Tel. +49 - 711 - 99 765 - 0
Leo Martens
Tel. +49 - 30 - 555 70 14 - 44
Christoph Hanser
Tel. +49 - 40 - 7166 117-00
Mirko Dobermann
Tel. +49 - 381 - 66 09 81 - 20
Raúl Checa
Tel. +49 - 741 - 2090 8625
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