QUIBIQ Business Integration Framework
QUIBIF is our framework for successful integration projects
We developed QUIBIF - the QUIBIQ Business Integration Framework - on the basis of over 18 years of experience from over 500 integration projects. With its
- best practice architectures for various integration scenarios,
- many templates and
- ready-made components for frequently required functions,
QUIBIF ensures that even complex integration scenarios can be successfully implemented: in time, in scope and in budget. A custom integration solution is thereby generated without the risk involved with a new custom development.
The QUIBIF - QUIBIQ Business Integration Framework
- saves on project costs
- lowers project risk
- offers the basis for the flexibility and scalability of your individual BizTalk solution
QUIBIF modules - freely employable, combinable and adaptable
QUIBIF pools the expertise from hundreds of projects where it is ready for use in the form of a modular system
- Monitoring via a web interface – rendering technical access via the admin console of the BizTalk Server unnecessary
- Metadata – simple definition of message content for monitoring: Do you want to search, sort, etc. by invoice number, item or customer number? No problem!
- Error handling – uniform error handling that can be latched onto any process as code snippets
- Notifications – easy to configure, instead of encoding every time: who should be notified, when and how.
- Configuration values – easily done from an interface instead of the admin console
- Queues: sequential processing of certain messages required (e.g. header and items) – easily enabled – without added programming in BizTalk
- Numberings: uniform reference IDs for messages can be assigned automatically
With these modules, QUIBIF makes the development of your own BizTalk integration platform faster, more efficient and more robust.