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Für BizTalk 2013 R2 gibt es seit 22.4.16 das neue CU2 Paket mit vielen Verbesserungen und allen bisher veröffentlichten Fixes. Hier die Liste der enthaltenen Verbesserungen seit CU1: BizTalk Server adapters: KB article number Description 3021223 FIX: Me

Für BizTalk 2013 R2 gibt es seit 22.4.16 das neue CU2 Paket mit vielen Verbesserungen und allen bisher veröffentlichten Fixes. Hier die Liste der enthaltenen Verbesserungen seit CU1:

BizTalk Server adapters:

KB article numberDescription
3021223FIX: Messaging Engine errors occur when you use WCF-Custom send port to call a WCF service in BizTalk Server
3042941FIX: Http send port instance stays active during network failure between BizTalk Server and a web server
3065786FIX: SB-Messaging receive location doesn’t retry and is disabled after EndpointNotFoundException in BizTalk Server
3079396FIX: “The ‘Operation’ element is not declared” error occurs when you use the WCF-WebHTTP adapter and dynamic send ports in BizTalk Server 
3090472FIX: A memory leak occurs in a Dllhost.exe process that hosts the MQSAgent2 COM+ application in BizTalk Server
3100811WCF-SAP adapter support for the SAP .NET Connector (NCo) is added to BizTalk Adapter Pack
3108066FIX: “The FILE send adapter cannot open file” error occurs when you send a file through file adapter on a server that is running Cumulative Update 1 for BizTalk Server 2013 R2
3123745FIX: BizTalk EBS adapter doesn’t work with R12 of Oracle eBusiness suite in BizTalk Server 2013 R2
3125058FIX: Messages reappear in the queue on a MQSeries server after you restart the BizTalk Server instance


BizTalk Server administration tools and management APIs

KB article numberDescription
2724389FIX: “The local, cached version of the BizTalk Server group configuration is out of date” error when you click the Maps folder in BizTalk Server Administration Console
2947664FIX: Transmit pipeline for a two-way receive location is set incorrectly when you import binding file in BizTalk Server
3018395FIX: Pipeline settings are reset to “passthru” when you use a custom pipeline in BizTalk Server
3050958FIX: Orphaned rows in Tracking_Parts1 and Tracking_Fragments1 tables when you use DTA Purge and Archive job
3074493FIX: Importing an orchestration assembly unexpectedly changes the pipelines in ports that the orchestration is bound to
3088327FIX: “Cannot insert duplicate Key with unique index” error occurs when you run BizTalk Server backup job 


BizTalk Server management tools and business tools

KB article numberDescription
3123164FIX: The Tracking Profile Editor may use the wrong schema when the tracking profile is deployed

BizTalk Server accelerators 

KB article numberDescription
2995261FIX: BTARN Elemica fails when affirmationindicator does not equal “yes” or “no” in BizTalk Server
3123754Hotfix to add support for schema versions 2.5.1 and 2.6 to the Update2XMLSchema tool
3125785FIX: Saved attachments from a message that is received through the BizTalk Server Accelerator for RosettaNet have extraneous zero-bytes appended


BizTalk Server design tools

KB article numberDescription
3123740FIX: You can’t import a binding file that’s created by the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard
3123744FIX: Error occurs when you use a blank schema to run transforms in BizTalk Server
3123753Add design time support to .NET Framework 4.5.2 for BizTalk projects
BizTalk Server message runtime, pipelines, and tracking
KB article numberDescription
3094106FIX: A BOM is added to a message if BAM tracking is enabled in BizTalk Server
3123167FIX: Continuation between a Receive port and a Send port is unsuccessfully when a custom pipeline is used in BizTalk Server
3123752FIX: XSL processing takes longer in BizTalk Server
3124052FIX: Same message being validated inconsistently and randomly failing with schema exception
3125071FIX: BAM tracking doesn’t work when you use the XMLReceive or a custom pipeline in BizTalk Server
BizTalk Server general
KB article numberDescription
3123748Update to add support for SHA2 certificates in BizTalk Server 2013 R2


BizTalk Server UDDI

KB article numberDescription
3087119MS15-087: Description of the security update for UDDI services in BizTalk: August 11, 2015




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