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How-to: Azure API Management Self-Hosted Gateway - Token Cycling

The self-hosted gateway is a feature of the API Management to support the management of hybrid and multi-cloud environments. More clearly, this feature enables organizations to manage their APIs hosted either on Azure cloud, on-premises, or on any other cloud, from a single API Management service in Azure. This is done through deploying a containerized version of the API Management Gateway to the same environment where the APIs are hosted. This containerized version of the gateway can be deployed in Docker, or in a Kubernetes cluster.

Connectivity to Azure:

The Self-Hosted Gateway requires a connection to Azure in order to:

  • Report its status through sending a heartbeat every minute.
  • Check regularly for configuration updates and apply them.

However, in order for the self-hosted gateway to be able to download the configuration data from the API Management endpoint; it needs a valid access token.

Token Cycling / Token Rotation:

The access token given for the self-hosted gateway is only valid for 30 days. Therefore, this token needs to be regenerated and assigned to the self-hosted gateway either manually or through automation before it expires in order for the self-hosted gateway to keep accessing and getting the configuration updates.

In order to automatically rotate API management self-hosted gateway tokens, we can have Kubernetes CronJob that runs on a regular basis and regenerate the token and assign it to the self-hosted gateway.

The following section describes a project called “apim-shg-rotate” which is a Docker container image that can be deployed in a Kubernetes CronJob to automatically rotate API management self-hosted gateway tokens regularly. ]1[

1. Requirements:

  • A Kubernetes cluster, and a self-hosted gateway into that cluster.
  • A service principal with one of the following roles:
    • API Management Service Contributor (built-in role). This role gives access to far more than what we actually need here.
    • API Management Self-Hosted Gateway Token Operator (custom role). This role gives only two permissions, to list the self-hosted gateways and to generate new tokens. ]2[ There are specific steps that should be followed in order to create a custom role.

2. Deployment in the cluster:

The script should be deployed in the same namespace as the API management self-hosted gateway.

The following is required for the deployment:

  • Kubernetes service principal secret, client ID, client secret, and tenant ID.
  • RBAC which is a .yaml file for Role, Role Binding, and Service Account.
  • CronJob


The following steps describe in detail the deployment process:

  1. Create the following “” script file.
    PS: Double click the below text snippet to open the full script file.

#! /bin/bash
set -eo pipefail

# A shell script to use the Azure CLI and kubectl in order to rotate a token on a
# self-hosted application gateway. Designed to be run in a container using a Kubernetes
# CronJob.
# Based on an idea from
# but rewritten.

 function usage {
    cat <<-EOF

     Usage: $(basename $0)
      -s|--subscription-id <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>
      -r|--resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP>
      -a|--apim-instance <APIM_INSTANCE>
      -g|--apim-gateway <APIM_GATEWAY>
      -n|--namespace <NAMESPACE>
      -t|--token-secret <TOKEN_SECRET>
      -k|--token-key <TOKEN_KEY: last, rotate, primary, secondary>
      -o|--k8s-object <K8S_OBJECT>
      -c|--client-id <SP_ID>
      -p|--client-secret <SP_SECRET>

     Generates a new token for an APIM self-hosted gateway, updates the Kubernetes secret, then performs a rolling restart.
    Arguments may be specified as parameters or as environment variables.     


      -s, --subscription-id, SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment variable
            The GUID of the scription containing the APIM instance. 

      -r, --resource-group, RESOURCE_GROUP environment variable
            The name of the resource group containing the APIM instance. 

      -a, --apim-instance, APIM_INSTANCE environment variable
            The name of the APIM instance 

      -g, --apim-gateway, APIM_GATEWAY environment variable
            The name of the self-hosted gateway 

      -n, --namespace, NAMESPACE environment variable
            The namespace containing the token to rotate

       -t, --token-secret, TOKEN_SECRET environment variable
            The name of the Kubernetes secret object containing the token to rotate 

      -k, --token-key, TOKEN_KEY
            Switch the key used to generate the token. Can be set to one of the following values:
              "last" - default, the value from the last-key-used annotation on the token will be used

                      if no annotation is present, defaults to primary
              "rotate" - rotate from the last used key to the other key: primary -> secondary or secondary -> primary
              "primary" - generate the new token from the primary key
              "secondary" - generate the new token from the secondary key

      -o, --k8s-object, K8S_OBJECT
            The name of the Kubernetes object to restart after updating the secret, using kubectl rollout restart.           Should be specified in the form "type/name", e.g. "deployment/apim-gateway" or "statefulset/apim-gateway"

      --client-id, SP_ID
            The client ID of the service principal to use, if the login method is "sp"       

      --client-secret, SP_SECRET
            The client secret of the service principal to use, if the login method is "sp". This can be either a secret or the path to a certificate.

      --tenant, TENANT
            The tenant ID of the service principal to use, if the login method is "sp".       

            Enable debug logging (set -x) 

    exit 1


# For SP login, we make a temporary directory. Clean it up on exit.
function cleanup {
  [[ ! -z "${MY_AZURE_CONFIG_DIR}" ]] && {
    rm -rf "${MY_AZURE_CONFIG_DIR}"

trap cleanup EXIT

PARSED_ARGUMENTS=$(getopt -a -n "$(basename $0)" -o s:r:a:g:n:t:k:o:l:h --long subscription-id:,resource-group:,apim-instance:,apim-gateway:,namespace:,token-secret:,token-key:,k8s-object:,client-id:,client-secret:,tenant:,debug,help -- "$@")
if "$VALID_ARGUMENTS" != "0" ]; then


eval set -- "$PARSED_ARGUMENTS"
while :

    case "$1" in
      --debug) set -x; shift;;
      -s | --subscription-id) SUBSCRIPTION_ID="${2}"shift 2;;
      -r | --resource-group) RESOURCE_GROUP="${2}"shift 2;;
      -a | --apim-instance) APIM_INSTANCE="${2}"shift 2;;
      -g | --apim-gateway) APIM_GATEWAY="${2}"shift 2;;
      -n | --namespace) NAMESPACE="${2}"shift 2;;
      -t | --token-secret) TOKEN_SECRET="${2}"shift 2;;
      -k | --token-key) TOKEN_KEY="${2}"shift 2;;
      -o | --k8s-object) K8S_OBJECT="${2}"shift 2;;
    --client-id) SP_ID="${2}"shift 2;;
    --client-secret) SP_SECRET="${2}"shift 2;;
    --tenant) TENANT="${2}"shift 2;;
      -h | --help) usage;;
      --) shiftbreak ;;
      *) echo "ERROR: didn't parse an argument properly: ${1} ${2}"; usage;;


# Set defaults

# Error out if variables aren't set
    if [[ -z "${!var}" ]]; then
      echo -e "ERROR: Parameter ${var} is undefined. Please specify the parameter as either an environment variable or a command argument."

if [[ "${FAIL:-0}" == "1" ]]; then
  echo -e "\nRun $(basename $0) --help for usage information."
  exit 1


cat << EOF

APIM Self-hosted Gateway Secret Rotation
Date: $(date)

Subscription ID:  $SUBSCRIPTION_ID
Resource group:   $RESOURCE_GROUP
K8s Namespace:    $NAMESPACE
K8s Token Secret: $TOKEN_SECRET
APIM Key Source:  $TOKEN_KEY
K8S Object:       ${K8S_OBJECT:-not provided}
Client ID:        ${SP_ID:-not provided}
Client Secret:    ${MASKED_SP_SECRET:-not provided}
Client Tenant:    ${TENANT:-not provided}



for var in SP_ID SP_SECRET TENANT; do
    if [[ -z "${!var}" ]]; then
        echo -e "ERROR: When using service principal login type, ${var} must be defined!"

if [[ "${FAIL:-0}" == "1" ]]; then
    echo -e "\nRun $(basename $0) --help for usage information."
    exit 1

MY_AZURE_CONFIG_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
echo -n "Checking for service principal access..."
# Try a service principal
az login --service-principal -u "$SP_ID" -p "$SP_SECRET" --tenant $TENANT >/dev/null
if [[ $(az account list --refresh --query "length([?id=='$SUBSCRIPTION_ID'])" 2>/dev/null) == 1 ]]; then
    echo "done (logged in via service principal)."

    echo -e "\n\nERROR: Failed to access the subscription via az cli, either via already logged in credentials or identity."
    exit 1


echo -n "Validating APIM instance is present and correct..."
APIM_RESOURCE_ID=$(az apim show --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $APIM_INSTANCE --query "id" --only-show-errors -o tsv 2>&1) || {
    echo -e "\n\nERROR: Unable to find $APIM_INSTANCE in resource group $RESOURCE_GROUP in subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID."
    echo -e "\nCommand output:\n${APIM_RESOURCE_ID}"
    exit 1

echo "done." 

echo -n "Validating APIM gateway instance is present and correct..."
OUTPUT=$(az rest --method GET --uri "${GATEWAY_RESOURCE_ID}" --uri-parameters "api-version=2021-08-01" 2>&1) || {
    echo -e "\n\nERROR: Unable to query APIM self-hosted gateway instance properties."
    echo -e "\nAPI output:\n${OUTPUT}"
    exit 1

echo "done."

echo -n "Validating Kubernetes secret is present and correct..."
LAST_USED_KEY_ANNOTATION=$(kubectl --namespace $NAMESPACE get secret $TOKEN_SECRET -o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.last-used-key}' 2>&1) || {
    echo -e "\n\nERROR: unable to retrieve Kubernetes secret ${TOKEN_SECRET}."
    echo -e "\nkubectl output:\n${LAST_USED_KEY_ANNOTATION}"
    exit 1

echo "done (last used key: \"${LAST_USED_KEY_ANNOTATION:-unset}\")."

echo -n "Determining which key to use to generate the token..."
case "${TOKEN_KEY}" in
      case "${LAST_USED_KEY_ANNOTATION:-secondary}" in
        primary) TOKEN_KEY="secondary";;
        secondary) TOKEN_KEY="primary";;
      echo -e "\n\nERROR: Unrecognized argument to -k/--token-key/TOKEN_KEY."

echo "done - token will be generated from the ${TOKEN_KEY} key."

echo -n "Generating new token for gateway..."
TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DATE="$(date -Iseconds -d"@$(($(date +%s)+1592000))")" # Date +30 days; have to use this format for busybox date
TOKEN=$(az rest --method POST --uri $GENERATE_TOKEN_URL --body "{ \"expiry\": \"${TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DATE}\", \"keyType\": \"${TOKEN_KEY}\" }" --query value -o tsv) || {
    echo -e "\n\nERROR: unable to generate new token for gateway."
    echo -e "\nAPI call output:\n${TOKEN}"
    exit 1

echo "done." 

echo -n "Updating Kubernetes secret..."
OUTPUT=$(kubectl --namespace $NAMESPACE create secret generic ${TOKEN_SECRET} --from-literal value="GatewayKey ${TOKEN}" --dry-run=client -o yaml 2>&1 | kubectl --namespace $NAMESPACE apply -f - 2>&1) || {
    echo -e "\n\nERROR: Unable to update token secret."
    echo -e "\nkubectl output:\n${OUTPUT}"
    exit 1

echo "${OUTPUT}"


echo -n "Annotating token secret with \"last-used-key: ${TOKEN_KEY}\"..."
OUTPUT=$(kubectl --namespace $NAMESPACE annotate --overwrite=true secret $TOKEN_SECRET last-used-key="${TOKEN_KEY}" 2>&1) || {
    echo -e "\n\nERROR: Failed to annotate token secret."
    echo -e "\nkubectl output:\n${OUTPUT}"
    exit 1

echo "${OUTPUT}"


if [[ ! -z "${K8S_OBJECT}" ]]; then
    echo -n "Performing a rolling restart of the self-hosted gateway..."
    OUTPUT=$(kubectl --namespace $NAMESPACE rollout restart $K8S_OBJECT 2>&1) || {
      echo -e "\n\nERROR: Failed to restart $K8S_OBJECT."
      echo -e "\nkubectl output:\n${OUTPUT}"
      exit 1
    echo "${OUTPUT}"



echo "Token rotation complete."
echo "A new token was generated based on the ${TOKEN_KEY} APIM key and will expire on ${TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DATE}."

2. Create a Docker image.
PS: Use Dockerfile to create the image as follow:


RUN /usr/local/bin/az aks install-cli

COPY /root


3. Push the image into a Docker Hub Repository.

4. Create the rbac.yaml file as follows:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: apim-shg-rotate

kind: Role
  name: apim-shg-rotate

  - apiGroups: ["*"]
    resources: ["deployments"]
    verbs: ["get", "patch"]
  - apiGroups: ["*"]
    resources: ["secrets"]
    verbs: ["get", "update", "patch"]
  - apiGroups: ["*"]
    resources: ["statefulsets"]
    verbs: ["get", "patch"]

kind: RoleBinding
  name: apim-shg-rotate

  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: apim-shg-rotate
  kind: Role
  name: apim-shg-rotate


5. Create the cronjob.yaml file as follows:
PS: Adapt the variables inside this cronjob.yaml file according to your information. Variables that need to be adapted are marked with #adapt.
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: apim-shg-rotate

  concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
  schedule: "0 9 1,15 * *"           #adapt
      activeDeadlineSeconds: 600
      completions: 1
      parallelism: 1
            aadpodidbinding: apim-shg-rotate
            - name: update-token
              image: qbqalex/rotate4shg:latest     #adapt
              imagePullPolicy: Always
                - name: SUBSCRIPTION_ID
                  value: SUBSCRIPTION_ID_Value     #adapt
                - name: RESOURCE_GROUP
                  value: Resource_Group_Name       #adapt
                - name: APIM_INSTANCE
                  value: APIM_INSTANCE_Name   #adapt
                - name: APIM_GATEWAY                            
                  value: APIM_GATEWAY_Name         #adapt
                - name: NAMESPACE
                  value: APIM_SHG_NAMESPACE        #adapt
                - name: TOKEN_SECRET
                  value: APIM_TOKEN_Secret         #adapt
                - name: TOKEN_KEY
                  value: APIM_TOKEN_KEY            #adapt
                - name: K8S_OBJECT
                  value: APIM_SHG_OBJECT           #adapt
                - name: SP_ID
                  value: Service_Principal_ID      #adapt
                - name: SP_SECRET
                  value: Service_Principal_Secret  #adapt
                - name: TENANT

                  value: Tenant_ID                #adapt

          restartPolicy: Never

          serviceAccountName: apim-shg-rotate

          automountServiceAccountToken: true

6. Finally, apply the two .yaml files created in the previous two steps as follows:

             kubectl apply -f rbac.yalm
             kubectl apply -f cronjob.yalm

Now the CronJob will run on a regular basis, depending on the “schedule” chosen in the cronjob.yaml file.

For example, if the schedule was chosen as follow 0 0 */25 * * : this means that CronJob will regenerate the token at 00:00 on every 25th day of the month, i.e., the token will be regenerated one time each month before it expires, and it will be re-assigned to the self-hosted gateway.

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